Pattern Energy Selects Power Factors as Its Technical Asset Management Platform 

Pattern Energy Selects Power Factors as Its Technical Asset Management Platform;  Firms Sign Five-Year Technology Agreement 

LARKSPUR, CA, FEB. 27, 2019 - Power Factors, LLC, a leading  independent software and services provider for renewable energy, is pleased to announce that Pattern Energy Group Inc. (‘Pattern Energy') (NASDAQ and TSX: PEGI), has selected Power Factors for their renewable energy asset performance platform. Pattern Energy maintains, owns and operates a substantial global footprint of renewable energy facilities, and has a nearly 3 gigawatt portfolio that has almost tripled since its IPO in late 2013. 

Gary Meyers, president of Power Factors, said, "We are delighted that Pattern Energy has selected Power Factors as its technology partner. Our advanced software capabilities and deep wind subject matter expertise make Power Factors an ideal platform for Pattern Energy's large wind fleet.  Our rapid project onboarding will enable us to quickly bring benefits to Pattern Energy's operating portfolio and over time deliver immense value.  This will be a comprehensive partnership with Pattern Energy to ensure they can drive the lowest cost of ownership with the highest reliability and safety standards for renewable energy assets in the industry."  
"We were looking for a new platform to help us maximize the performance from our global portfolio of renewable assets," said Kevin Devlin, senior vice president of project operations at Pattern Energy. "After a rigorous evaluation, Power Factors surpassed our expectations. The team at Power Factors impressed us with their understanding of our needs and willingness to partner with us for the long term.  We are excited to work with the platform and team from Power Factors." 
About Power Factors, LLC 
Power Factors delivers a scalable, technical asset performance System of Engagement to protect capital investments in renewable energy portfolios. The company's advanced SaaS solution is built upon utility-grade software platforms from OSIsoft, Microsoft and Salesforce to ensure reliability and scalability. Power Factors monitors over 20 GW of renewable energy assets and works with some of the largest, most successful clean energy companies across the world to help them drive predictable value out of their investments.  
About Pattern Energy 
Pattern Energy Group Inc. (Pattern Energy) is an independent power company listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and Toronto Stock Exchange. Pattern Energy has a portfolio of 24 wind and solar power facilities with a total owned interest of 2,806 MW in the United States, Canada and Japan that use proven, best-in-class technology. Pattern Energy's wind and solar power facilities generate stable long-term cash flows in attractive markets and provide a solid foundation for the continued growth of the business. For more information, visit 

Contact: Susan DeVico 415 235-8758

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